The Netherlands Institute for the Near East

Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten  -  Institut nĂ©erlandais du Proche-Orient

Old Assyrian studies in memory of Paul Garelli

Book Specifications
XIII, 290 pp.

Old Assyrian studies in memory of Paul Garelli

2008  |  PIHANS Volume 112 Old Assyrian Archives, Studies, Volume 4 ISBN 13: 978-90-6258-323-2  |  ISSN: 1571-5728

C. Michel

Old Assyrian Bibliography of Paul Garelli (Cécile Michel)
Le souvenir de mon père (Catherine Garelli)
Archaeology -
A Group of Metal Vessels from Karum Kültepe/Kanes (Kutlu Emre)
A Hittite God from Kültepe (Fikri Kulakoglu)
Material Culture and the Middle Ground in the Old Assyrian Colony Period (Stephen Lumsden)
Archives -
The Archives of Eddin-Assur son of Ahiaya (Veysel Donbaz)
A Letter to Ili-Alum and Iddin-Assur (Ayse Karaduman)
Vier Altassyrische Texte (Burkhart Kienast)
Archives and Filing Systems at Kültepe (Mogens T. Larsen)
Seals -
Cappadocia and the Eastern Mediterranean (Dominique Collon)
Wer war Taram-Mari? (Karl Hecker)
Institutions -
A ruba'um Letter Sent to Karum Kanes (Irfan Albayrak)
Six Documents Containing Decisions by the City Assembly and Karum Kanes (Murat Cayir)
A List of Eponyms frum Kültepe (KEL D) (Cahit Günbatti)
Studies -
Observation on Land Use and Agriculture in Kanes (Jan Gerrit Dercksen)
The Old Assyrian Verb atawwum "To Speak" and Related Issues (Bert Kouwenberg)
Bemerkungen zu Kt 98/k 118 und den Texten aus den Grabungen des Jahres 1998 am Kültepe (Guido Kryszat)
Les Assyriens et les esprits de leurs morts (Cécile Michel)
Communication in the Old Assyrian Trading Society by Caravans, Travelers and Messengers (Klaas R. Veenhof)
Appendices -
Index of selected words
Index of published texts and objects
Index of text citations

This volume is available from Peeters Publishers, Leuven.