The Netherlands Institute for the Near East

Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten  -  Institut nĂ©erlandais du Proche-Orient

A Persian Perspective

Book Specifications
XI, 361 pp.
Illustrations: yes

A Persian Perspective

2003  |  Achaemenid History Volume 13 Essays in Memory of Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg ISBN 13: 978-90-6258-413-0

W.F.M. Henkelman, A. Kuhrt

Contents: Margaret C. ROOT: The Lioness of Elam. Politics and dynastic fecundity at Persepolis; Pierre BRIANT: À propos du roi-jardinier. Remarques sur l’histoire d’un dossier documentaire; Ann C. GUNTER: Joseph Lindon Smith at Persepolis, 1935; Ursula SEIDL: Wie waren die achaimenidischen Doppelprotomen-Kapitelle ausgerichtet?; Rémy BOUCHARLAT: Le Zendan de Pasargades. De la tour “solitaire” à un ensemble architectural. Données archéologiques récentes; Wouter HENKELMAN: An Elamite memorial. The šumar of Cambyses and Hystaspes; Josef WIESEHÖFER: Tarkumuwa und das Farnah; Deniz KAPTAN: A glance at northwestern Asia Minor during the Achaemenid period; R. Gül GÜRTEKIN-DEMIR, Imported pottery from Asia Minor to Daskyleion in the Achaemenid period; Maria BROSIUS: Why Persia became the enemy of Macedon; Bruno JACOBS: Mechanismen der Konfliktbewältigung in der Verwaltungsorganisation Kleinasiens zur Achämenidenzeit; Matthew W. STOLPER: “No-one has exact information except for you”. Communication between Babylon and Uruk in the first Achaemenid reigns; Robartus J. van der SPEK: Darius III, Alexander the Great and Babylonian scholarship; Amélie KUHRT: Making history: Sargon of Agade and Cyrus the Great of Persia.